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Alpha Sigma Philanthropy

“Alpha Sigma Phi is committed to improving its community through philanthropy work. Our national philanthropies include RAINN, Shatterproof, Aware Awake Alive, Active Minds, and Home for our Troops, each representing a different one of our five points of silence, charity, purity, honor, and patriotism. Each organization has made incredible leaps in their respective fields, through raising awareness for critical issues prevalent in our growing society and taking concrete actions that benefit our local and national community. Further information for each organization can be found below.

Each semester, we raise over $1,000 for our partners from events like Alpha Sigma Phry, our delicious all-you-can-eat French fry buffet and Casino Night, where we decorate our house like a casino and play classics like blackjack, poker, and roulette. With our heavy focus on a philanthropic mindset, we consistently find ways to incorporate our sponsors into our brotherhood events like Senior Sendoff and football watch parties. In addition to our fraternity, brothers are also encouraged to join other organizations on campus with a strong philanthropic footprint, such as Engineers Without Borders and the Student Alumni Association. Our motto is To Better the Man and we strongly believe this goal requires compassion and commitment to our community.”

Adwik Rahematpura, VP of Service & Philanthropy

Our Philanthropic Partners


"RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) is the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization. RAINN created and operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline in partnership with more than 1,000 local sexual assault service providers across the country and operates the DoD Safe Helpline for the Department of Defense. RAINN also carries out programs to prevent sexual violence, help survivors, and ensure that perpetrators are brought to justice."

Homes For Our Troops

"Homes For Our Troops is a publicly funded nonprofit organization that builds and donates specially adapted custom homes nationwide for severely injured post-9/11 Veterans, to enable them to rebuild their lives. Most of these Veterans have sustained injuries including multiple limb amputations, partial or full paralysis, and/or severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). These homes restore some of the freedom and independence our Veterans sacrificed while defending our country, and enable them to focus on their family, recovery, and rebuilding their lives. Since its inception in 2004, nearly 90 cents out of every dollar spent has gone directly to our program services for Veterans. HFOT builds these homes where the Veteran chooses to live, and continues its relationship with the Veterans after home delivery to assist them with rebuilding their lives."


"Shatterproof is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to ending the addiction crisis in the United States. We don't wait for change, we create it. Together, we're building a future that supports those struggling with addiction and lends strength to their loved ones and communities by advocating for change, providing resources, and taking action to prevent and defeat this horrible disease."

Active Minds

"We are dedicated to saving lives and to building stronger families and communities. Through education, research, advocacy, and a focus on young adults ages 14–25, Active Minds is opening up the conversation about mental health and creating lasting change in the way mental health is talked about, cared for, and valued in the United States."

Aware Awake Alive

"Aware Awake Alive prevents loss of life to alcohol poisoning by educating teens, young adults and parents on the dangers and symptoms of alcohol overdose. We generate awareness and dialogue around amnesty-based policy and legislation, and create an atmosphere of partnership in which young people, parents, educators, and like-minded organizations share responsibility for supporting and educating one another."

Past Philanthropic Events


If you or anyone you know is struggling or is concerned with their mental health, please reach out to someone. Here are 45 tools and resources for student mental health. 

© 2021   |   Alpha Sigma Phi, Zeta Eta   |   171 5th Street NW, Atlanta GA

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