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To Better The Man Scholarship

The application to Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity's To Better The Man Scholarship is now live! This year, we are offering a $1,000 scholarship to help offset the cost of attending college.


Charity and scholarship are two of our core beliefs. We are interested in supporting young men that are not only motivated to excel in academics, but strive to succeed in all aspects of a balanced, fulfilling life. Those who demonstrate an inclination for leadership, scholarship, and community involvement will be contacted with an invitation to interview. This will be a casual interview conducted virtually with a small group of our brothers. 


All Georgia Tech students who identify as male are eligible for this scholarship, and you are NOT required to join our organization to receive it. The winners will be decided after the first week of classes. The application will take about 10 minutes to complete.

© 2021   |   Alpha Sigma Phi, Zeta Eta   |   171 5th Street NW, Atlanta GA

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